'Between stories lived and a lot still to write, I can say that life sometimes decides to open doors where you might not even see opportunities. So be there and don't stop dreaming.'
Felipe Kopke was born on August 12, 1988 in Sete Lagoas- Minas Gerais (Brazil).
He had his first contact with music at the age of 13 through choral singing.
Parallel to the singing, seeing his neighborhood friends learning to play guitar also decided to learn his first chords that later became his first band playing only 'cover' songs.
Three years have passed since his first contact with the guitar and he then decides to migrate to bass. With its first authorial band called Khyrius had great repercussion of the musical and calling the attention of the regional media for always bringing the leading role to the instrument mirroring itself in great names of the bass.
In 2008 through indications of friends and people in common was selected to do a test in the mining band Eminence that had released the album The God of All Mistakes that year and was preparing for the European Tour in more than 50 'shows' in 11 countries.
After audition Felipe was selected among more than 10 bassists and embarked with the band for 3 months.
This experience and the opportunity to take a step further in search of his musical career he then decides in 2009 to move to Portugal and start a new challenge.
In Portugal in addition to classes and free lancer, he had a stint with the band For Ophelia's Death from which he recorded an album and played at major festivals in Portugal and Spain until 2013.
In 2019 now living in England having music now as a background and dedicating himself in other personal and professional fields, in 2019 in one of his trips to Brazil, caught by the pandemic decides then together with his former bandmate Paulo Freitas (Khyrius) to write some riffs that would soon become a new project called Breathe Breathe Again launching his first single called Inside your Soul.
With this new ‘up’ that the project brought him he then decides to reactivate his musical career through videos playing on his social networks and YouTube. It was through the same that fate decides to put the opportunities back in front of him being called to complete the line up of the American/British band Alchemy Fire in 2022 preparing for the release of their first album entitled Alchemy Fire.